Was Jesus God?

December 18th, 2015 at 9:51:33 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: FrGamble
Any way you read it is colored by your prejudice. The virgins are wedding guests .

So you think we still classify women
by their sexual standing? Oh, don't
invite Gloria, she's no longer a virgin.
Even the Church doesn't do that
anymore. They only do it with Gay
people now, and hopefully not for
much longer.

What is disgusting is your awful interpretation of these texts.

10 virgins and a bridegroom, any way you
read that in 2015 the interpretation is
disgusting on so many levels.
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December 18th, 2015 at 10:06:06 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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What are you talking about? There were lots of people in the party, the wise and foolish virgins are outside waiting to enter with the bridegroom. If you know the scriptures than you know who is already inside the party, "many tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom before you." The virgins in this parable are not about sexual standing but they are referring to the pure and holy, which we are all called to be. We are waiting in preparation to meet the bridegroom Christ and enter into His wedding feast. How is this disgusting? It is your faulty and ignorant interpretation that is disgusting.
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December 19th, 2015 at 12:15:33 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Posts: 25013
Quote: FrGamble
What are you talking about? .

I'm talking about the sexual portrayal
of women as property. Like they were
worth more because they were virgins.
Like they were special. Why even mention
it? What would you think if you received
an invitation today and it said: "All women
under 25 at this event are virgins."

You wouldn't find that odd? It's treating
women as sexual objects, which is all
they were in those days. Women in the
Church to this day get the short shaft,
the Church is just as misogynistic as it
was 2000 years ago.
If you take a risk, you may lose. If you never take a risk, you will always lose.
December 19th, 2015 at 12:03:00 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Posts: 7596
Quote: Evenbob
I'm talking about the sexual portrayal
of women as property.

It's treating
women as sexual objects, which is all
they were in those days. Women in the
Church to this day get the short shaft,
the Church is just as misogynistic as it
was 2000 years ago.

First of all the term virgin is not a dirty word it is a term of respect and an symbol of purity. That is what the five wise virgins and five foolish virgins represent, good people who are either prepared to meet Jesus or not.

Now, in regards to treating women as property and looking at them as objects you need look no further than the present day to see the absolute worst women have ever been treated in this regard. Today women and their beauty are used to sell everything form hamburgers to clothes. The use of pornography is a scourge against women the prevalence of which our world has never seen. It is the secular world that has enslaved women by forcing them to desperately try to mold themselves into some phony established guidelines of beauty, uses them as a commodity, treats them as objects, enslaves them for sex, ogles at them as pieces of meat in porn, and encourages them to fill their bodies with cancer producing hormones so that their natural fertility cycle is destroyed. Before you condemn a Church that has treated women as equals, fought for their right to be educated and treated with respect and honor, gave them the run of large convents and monasteries, extols a woman as the perfect model of holiness for all human beings, and considers herself as the Church in a feminine way - you need to seriously look at the atrocities against women going on right now and see that the Church is the only one truly speaking out for women today.
“It is with the smallest brushes that the artist paints the most exquisitely beautiful pictures.” (
December 19th, 2015 at 12:24:03 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: FrGamble
Before you condemn a Church that has treated women as equals,

Which is why women have been welcomed into the priesthood and thus the power structure of the church from day one.

Oh, wait.
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December 19th, 2015 at 12:39:53 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: FrGamble
you need to seriously look at the atrocities against women going on right now and see that the Church is the only one truly speaking out for women today.

Women in the West have more rights
and opportunities today than at any other
time in history. As far as your claim that
the Church is the only one speaking for
women, it's pure twaddle.

"The Catholic Church is subjected to a great deal of suspicion, if not outright scorn, when it comes to its treatment of women. Does the Church treat women as "second class"?
In short, does the Catholic Church hate women? Few people would put the question that strongly, yet many believe the answer is "yes."
As evidence, they point to sexist quotations from Church Fathers and sexist interpretations of Scripture. Even Scripture contains "subordination" passages, such as "Let wives also be subject in everything to their husbands" (Eph. 5:24). Moreover, the Catholic Church is also well-known for its opposition to abortion and contraception, which many believe are the keys to women's sexual and economic freedom. Finally, only men can be ordained priests. Isn't that clear evidence of discrimination? As one slogan puts it: "If women are good enough to be baptized, why aren't they good enough to be ordained?"

There are now more than 200 women in the Church
who are ordained priests, and more are coming.
Of course the Vatican takes it's usual harsh women
hating stance:

"The Vatican does not recognize female ordination. In 2008, the Church decreed that those who disobey the doctrine—be they the women who seek ordination or the bishops who attempt to ordain them—will be automatically excommunicated from the Church, with no exceptions. In 2010, the Vatican went on to list the ordination of women among the most serious crimes against the Church—alongside the sexual abuse of minors and the mentally disabled."

Yeah, they sure are champions for women's
rights. Women priests are right up there with
child molesters. How nice. But it's changing,
over 65% of Catholics are in favor of women
priests. The 'men only' club of the priesthood
is getting a long overdue makeover.
If you take a risk, you may lose. If you never take a risk, you will always lose.
December 19th, 2015 at 12:48:18 PM permalink
Member since: Mar 8, 2014
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Quote: FrGamble
the Church is the only one truly speaking out for women today.

You lose a lot of credibility when you make statements like that.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts." Daniel Patrick Moynihan
December 19th, 2015 at 2:00:17 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: Dalex64
You lose a lot of credibility when you make statements like that.

Is there anyone else speaking out so strongly against pornography, the pill and other harmful contraceptives, abortion, sex slavery, rights of children to have a mom and dad when possible, and the harmful body issue problems society causes for young women?
“It is with the smallest brushes that the artist paints the most exquisitely beautiful pictures.” (
December 19th, 2015 at 2:01:44 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 3, 2014
Threads: 25
Posts: 6227
Quote: FrGamble
..."It is the secular world that has enslaved women by forcing them to desperately try to mold themselves into some phony established guidelines of beauty, uses them as a commodity, treats them as objects, enslaves them for sex,"
You are making to big of a deal about sex. It is a natural act and none of us got here without it. But the church isn't the controller. Doesn't the bible say that Jesus would rather have a man lay with a prostitute than cast his seed on the ground"?

Back in the day, they were a lot more realistic about peoples status in society. Jesus hung out with hookers.

See, slavery is awful, but there are worse things, ok? Back then you could earn your way out of it. Not now, we pay taxes even after death. Well, we do anyway, the church is tax exempt. Which isn't the same as "freedom of religion".

Slave owners, like farmers knew they had to treat their property well, or they would go down. So slaves, like mules ate regularly, got clean enough water and rest, just like stock, if you mistreat them they die.

You know whats worse then having to sell yourself?...Being rendered irrelevant. A slave although they know they are owned, they know they matter. When a woman is ostracized from the church for divorcing a brutal husband, she realizes where the church's priorities lie.

The church can also abuse a poor woman who left her abusive husband [who the church still defends] because they realize a poor woman doesn't have any money and is powerless. It appears that the church's priorities lay along economic lines, maybe it's a coincidence? Is that what you think Jesus wants?

The church keeps preaching submission, how is that equal?

Before you condemn a Church that has treated women as equals, fought for their right to be educated and treated with respect and honor, gave them the run of large convents and monasteries, extols a woman as the perfect model of holiness for all human beings, and considers herself as the Church in a feminine way - you need to seriously look at the atrocities against women going on right now and see that the Church is the only one truly speaking out for women today.
How many beatings does a wife have to endure before the church will approve of a divorce?
The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury. GW
December 19th, 2015 at 2:11:46 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 67
Posts: 7596
Quote: Evenbob
Women in the West have more rights
and opportunities today than at any other
time in history.

What good are those rights when they live in a society that treats them like objects and forces them to do unnatural things to fit in? If woman had equal rights then American would have better pregnancy and family leave laws and they would be paid the same as their male co-workers. The fact that this doesn't happen coupled with the attack on women through pornography, contraception, abortion, and unreal body images make this time in history just as difficult if not more so than many other times in history for women.

As evidence, they point to sexist quotations from Church Fathers and sexist interpretations of Scripture. Even Scripture contains "subordination" passages, such as "Let wives also be subject in everything to their husbands" (Eph. 5:24).

Your ignorance of Scripture is flabbergasting! Just do me a favor and read the very next verse and then the rest of the chapter. Come on if you really don't know the Scriptures maybe you should refrain from trying to use them by twisting them around to say whatever you want. It is disingenuous, insulting, and offensive.

Moreover, the Catholic Church is also well-known for its opposition to abortion and contraception, which many believe are the keys to women's sexual and economic freedom.

Only if you force them to play by men's rules! Respect women for who they are and give them true WOMEN's sexual and economic freedom instead of this modern bastardized version.

Finally, only men can be ordained priests. Isn't that clear evidence of discrimination? As one slogan puts it: "If women are good enough to be baptized, why aren't they good enough to be ordained?"

Again I just can't believe the misinformation pouring out from you! They are good enough to be ordained! A woman is the greatest human person ever to live. It has nothing to do with if someone is good enough or not, it has to do with the theology of the priesthood as in the person of Christ and with the history of the Church following the example of none other than Jesus Christ Himself.
“It is with the smallest brushes that the artist paints the most exquisitely beautiful pictures.” (