General Election 2024

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14 members have voted

December 30th, 2023 at 4:04:48 PM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
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She sacrificed for the team so she might get a promotion.

Part of her logic was Trump can't be added to the ballots in time after the Supreme Court rules on the other case.

She believes in Democracy.

Her one vote was more than the other side of zero votes.

Therefore, she was following Democracy, because she was indoctrinated into thinking we're a Democracy.
December 30th, 2023 at 4:54:14 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 24, 2023
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Quote: Evenbob
Anybody see this Valley Girl dummy who's the Secretary of State in Maine? Oh my God, the Democrat Party has become a three-ring circus. In her statement about taking Trump off the ballot she uses the word 'I' exclusively a bunch of times. That's because this decision was totally her opinion and it's not backed up by anything other than what she thinks. She thinks it's up to her to uphold the 14th Amendment when Trump is not even been charged with anything yet let alone found guilty. Even CNN is saying this is pretty much a joke. How many more of these buffoons will come forward to make absolute fools out of themselves. If this was a fictional movie you wouldn't believe it because it's just too ridiculous.

In Maine, it is indeed up to her. And Donnie's been charged with 4 felonies related to Jan 6, and historically a conviction has never been needed for disqualification.
December 30th, 2023 at 4:55:35 PM permalink
Member since: Apr 21, 2016
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Quote: GenoDRPh
In Maine, it is indeed up to her. And Donnie's been charged with 4 felonies related to Jan 6, and historically a conviction has never been needed for disqualification.

Stone cold facts have never stopped EB from blathering on.
“A straight man will not go for kids.” - AZDuffman
December 30th, 2023 at 5:02:06 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 24, 2023
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Quote: ams288
Stone cold facts have never stopped EB from blathering on.

You'd think he knew better, being a history major and all...
December 30th, 2023 at 5:36:00 PM permalink
Member since: Apr 21, 2016
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Quote: GenoDRPh
You'd think he knew better, being a history major and all...

Who knows what he actually believes.

I don’t think anyone truly thinks he is dumb enough to believe the nonsense he spews about the 2020 election being stolen.
“A straight man will not go for kids.” - AZDuffman
December 30th, 2023 at 5:54:11 PM permalink
Member since: Jan 26, 2023
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Quote: Evenbob
The only reason for that is because that's who lives in their neighborhoods, other blacks. It's not that they're choosing other blacks on purpose it's just because it's convenient. When I had my cab company a question I would ask blacks all the time was what percentage of the US population is black. I never had a single one of them get it right or even come close. A lot of them said 50%, or 40%, the most popular answer was 25 to 30%. When I would tell them it was 12% at that time a lot of them didn't believe me. The reason they thought it was so high it's because that's all they see in their neighborhoods is other blacks.

Reminds me of Barry Seal flying in coke from Nicaragua which eventually flooded cities with crack.

The Great Replacement Theory is categorized as coming from the far-right for the purpose of preserving pure white heritage.

But the MSM almost never mentions black replacement.

Ring a bell?

"...stopping the 'unfit' from reproducing..."


Abortion and Women of Color: The Bigger Picture

August 6, 2008
This much is true: In the United States, the abortion rate for black women is almost five times that for white women.


The Gates Family, Eugenics and COVID-19

June 30, 2020
Bill Gates’ father, William H. Gates, Sr., was a prominent banker and a lawyer in Preston Gates & Ellis. He also presided over many bar associations, organisation boards and started the Technology Alliance — a regional push to expand technology-based jobs throughout the 20th century.

Importantly, Gates Sr. served on the board of Planned Parenthood (PP) during the group’s infancy — a re-branded organisation birthed out of the American Eugenics Society.

The company spread from beginnings in Cold Spring Harbor genetics and virology labs on Long Island and Berlin, to today become one of the largest organisations in the US. Rockefeller-Bayar Co., BASF and Hoechst petrochemical-pharmaceutical consortium were all initial funders of the group.

Make no mistake: Planned Parenthood was built on population control schemes — allied with the same groups who wanted genetic hierarchy laws to ‘preserve’ humanity and who sought to ‘beautify’ countries by stopping the “unfit” from reproducing.

In their 2014 Annual Report, the pro-abortion and anti-family group reported seeing over 2.5 million patients in over 4 million clinical visits, including 324,000 abortions. The group claims to be a proponent of ‘free choice’, yet it is a eugenics front organisation in disguise.


Chicago Mayor's Grand Plan To Stop 'Crime Crisis' Are Reparation Checks

DEC 30, 2023
While speaking to Poppy Harlow on "CNN This Morning" Wednesday, Johnson acknowledged Chicago was plagued with out-of-control violent crime and declared that the "full force of government" would solve the crisis. The brilliant idea from the mayor: $500,000 in reparation checks.

December 31st, 2023 at 5:22:41 AM permalink
Member since: Nov 7, 2012
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Posts: 2531
Quote: GenoDRPh
In Maine, it is indeed up to her. And Donnie's been charged with 4 felonies related to Jan 6, and historically a conviction has never been needed for disqualification.

"Charged" is much different from "convicted." Perhaps other standards were used before, including against people who actually participated in a war against the US, but "conviction" in a court or in the Senate is a whole lot more appropriate standard than "charged" when we know that charges are filed without the defendant having a chance to present evidence or witnesses.

"Historically" lots of things have happened. Those things are not always right.

We'll see how all this plays out in court.
December 31st, 2023 at 5:39:48 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Snip Responses:

Quote: odiousgambit

this was a deflection. The issue is fraudulent votes, not whether one's votes get counted.

Right, so that needs to be proven. Many states have had fairly lax mail-in voting for a long period of time, so even ignoring the legitimacy (or lack thereof) of avoiding the polls due to Covid-19, people are claiming that there is suddenly fraud associated with something that was long the case.

I would be fine with mail-in voting including a requirement that one must submit a copy of one's ID along with the ballot. There have been a few objections (just on here to this), as I recall:

1. Security of including ID.

-My opinion on thgis objection is that it's irrelevant; nobody is forced to mail-in vote, so if you see including your ID as a personal security problem, then just don't vote that way.

2. Fraud is still possible.

-Don't really care. Also, if people are complaining that it's supposedly easy to commit fraud with mail-in ballots, then they should favor any effort that would make the process more legitimate.

I don't think any voter fraud is occurring to sufficient degree as to be likely to change any results. However, I'm totally in favor of Voter ID, the mail-in suggestion I made, etc., etc., because there's no reason that it shouldn't shut people up.

As one of the Contemptible Apes, let me say nothing Trump says or said is necessary for me to see that the last federal election was very problematic. I would say all these problems got worse:

Worse: Illegal voting: those not qualified to vote, such as non- citizens, casting votes. Democrat-run cities openly advocating illegals vote, and this even made even the MSM news

Worse: Mail Ballot fraud: Primarily in the way the mailing of ballots exploded, much not where it had been done before and openly acknowledged in those cases to be going to they knew not whom, really, just based on old unupdated voter registration.

Worse: Fraud of improperly "assisting" people vote. OK I have to admit I only suspect this .... strongly

My default position is that there is a non-zero amount of fraud in every POTUS Election, and I assume that this is done by both sides. Evidently, there were a few Trumpanzees charged with various things along those lines. I think any voter fraud is likely to be mostly self-cancelling, and even if it benefits one side more than another, I don't think it does so to a sufficient enough degree to alter an election.

In any event, I like my ID idea, but it also wouldn't break my heart to get rid of mail-in voting entirely. If the latter, then I would say that people should have a thirty or sixty day window to make their votes at the County Board of Elections, or equivalent. I think back to the guys working out-of-town (that would have stayed at the hotel I managed); are they to incur the costs of driving to Louisiana (and back), on a very specific day, just to cast their vote?

I would say any fraud, at least on a massive-enough scale to have changed the outcome, is largely suspected. It also doesn't escape my attention that only 21% of Trump voters thought the election was fair, many of whom would cite mail fraud, and yet, one-third of his voters voted by mail!

Perhaps the other Apes needed Trump to tell them, but I have been maintaining we need to enact measures in order to return faith in the system. How to do this is known.

I'm fine with making elections more secure. I'm talking about whether or not there was provable fraud sufficient to change Trump from losing to winning; there's not. Whether or not elections, in general, should be made more secure is a separate question, in my view.

only an [umm, what insult was that again?] would fail to question just how it was that more people voted for Biden than voted for Obama. What in the world are all those ballots doing out there?

It's not rocket surgery and I've already addressed that. A high percentage of Biden voters showed up, specifically, to vote AGAINST Trump rather than FOR Biden. Trump drove turnout for both sides.

I 'almost have to conclude' it's so if you are a [umm, what insult was that again?] that needs to have that suggested to them

I said as much well in advance of linking this. I said it in advance of the election; I'll go find an applicable post, if you wish. I just didn't know that people would be turning out against Trump as such a high percentage of Biden voters. I'd have thought in the 25-40% range.

here we go again with that

oh, there that insult is

that's your best line

The voters I don't like are just a bunch of level-of-holocaust-denying Apes in my view too, and maybe the ones you don't like are too influenced by Trump, but it is not necessary to be simian to see that as a country we are in big trouble if the elections continue to be run in a way that the public cannot trust. Ask Hillary.

I don't have a dog in the fight; I'm just a Libertarian calling it as he sees it. Honestly, I really don't care if Trump wins in 2024, at this point. The Democrats would be getting what they deserve.
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman
December 31st, 2023 at 6:28:17 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 23
Posts: 4147
Partial Quote:

Quote: OdiousGambit
only an [umm, what insult was that again?] would fail to question just how it was that more people voted for Biden than voted for Obama. What in the world are all those ballots doing out there?

Another thing to add here is that Trump got more votes than Obama (in 2020 compared to Obama's 2012).

With that, if you think Biden getting more votes than Obama proves anything vis-a-vis fraud, then did Trump get votes due to fraud, as well? Did one side just do a more effective job committing fraud, compared to the other? How do you explain Trump's massive vote count (in 2020 compared to Obama in 2012) when Obama had a nearly 50% favorability rating and Trump's approval rating was in the toilet?
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman
December 31st, 2023 at 8:03:11 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 146
Posts: 25125
Quote: GenoDRPh
In Maine, it is indeed up to her. And Donnie's been charged with 4 felonies related to Jan 6, and historically a conviction has never been needed for disqualification.

You can charge anybody with anything, so what. How many people have been charged with Insurrection? Oh that's right, none. Not a single one has even been charged with Insurrection let alone convicted. Every single time you hear anybody say Trump is guilty of insurrection it's their opinion, it's not based on anything legal, it's not based on a decision of a court, it's not based on anything except they're worthless opinion. I'm sorry we didn't cover worthless opinions in the history classes that I had. LOL
If you take a risk, you may lose. If you never take a risk, you will always lose.