Presidential Election 2020 Biden vs. Trump

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August 19th, 2020 at 1:17:24 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: Gandler
Looks like another birth certificate conspiracy by the Trumpers...

Anyone born in the U.S. is a natural born citizen, status of parents at time of birth is irrelvent.

Maybe Trump will fund another indepent investigation run by (former) Sherriff Joe Arpaio, now that he is pardoned and out of a job, to investigate her birth documents? (that’s not a joke Trump actually did that for Obama's birth documents....)

As he should have since Obama for so long refused to provide his birth certificate.

I wonder if you were so upset that some on the left tried to disqualify John McCain as ineligible?
The President is a fink.
August 19th, 2020 at 1:25:40 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 3, 2019
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Quote: Gandler
(that’s not a joke Trump actually did that for Obama's birth documents....)

We're still waiting on the "amazing things" his "team" found in Hawaii.
August 19th, 2020 at 1:30:24 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
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Quote: AZDuffman
As he should have since Obama for so long refused to provide his birth certificate.

I wonder if you were so upset that some on the left tried to disqualify John McCain as ineligible?

No serious person on the left did that. It was mostly politcal opponents in the primary. Kind of like Trump did with Cruz (also remeber how Trump said his father killed JFK?) ... But, yes I was upset that people are focusing on silly conspiracies regardless of what side.... Trump is obsessed with conspiracies, there is a reason he is so close to Alex Jones...

As for Obama "refused to release his birth certificate", it was on his campaign website since 2008.... People got all worked up that it was a fake document.... Absurd.... Then later it was an issue that it was his short form of his BC instead of the long form.... Seriously do most Americans even know the difference or care? ...
Obama was born in America...
August 19th, 2020 at 1:30:36 PM permalink
Member since: Apr 21, 2016
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Quote: Tripdufan
We're still waiting on the "amazing things" his "team" found in Hawaii.

They found him a few Hawaiian hookers who were into water sports. That’s all.
“A straight man will not go for kids.” - AZDuffman
August 19th, 2020 at 1:31:49 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
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Quote: Tripdufan
We're still waiting on the "amazing things" his "team" found in Hawaii.

All we know is Trump was "Very proud of myself" .....
It would be funny if he was not President now...
August 19th, 2020 at 1:44:20 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: Gandler

As for Obama "refused to release his birth certificate", it was on his campaign website since 2008.... People got all worked up that it was a fake document.... Absurd.... Then later it was an issue that it was his short form of his BC instead of the long form.... Seriously do most Americans even know the difference or care? ...
Obama was born in America...

What made is suspect for me was the governor of Hawaii saying he knew the family. What on earth are the odds of that? Sounded like someone trying too hard.
The President is a fink.
August 19th, 2020 at 1:57:20 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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He is Joe Biden's husband?

The President is a fink.
August 19th, 2020 at 2:18:44 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
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Quote: AZDuffman
What made is suspect for me was the governor of Hawaii saying he knew the family. What on earth are the odds of that? Sounded like someone trying too hard.

I don’t know that story. But, I believe both his parents were pretty active politically and were economists, so its possible they crossed paths or met at some event or college? Not totally unbelievable.
August 19th, 2020 at 2:23:07 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: Gandler
I don’t know that story. But, I believe both his parents were pretty active politically and were economists, so its possible they crossed paths or met at some event or college? Not totally unbelievable.

He said he knew the family. To me it sounded made up and he was covering for something. Like a police detective has a suspect whose alibi is just a little too watertight. Or like on "Seinfeld" when Susan saw through the Art Vandelay story.
The President is a fink.
August 20th, 2020 at 5:34:09 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: AZDuffman

I will say that in 100+ new hires I never had anyone use anything but a drivers license, unless they used a passport, which is on "List A" and are stronger forms of ID. Throw out the School ID for voting as they are too unsecure along with the Voter Registration card and other non-photo IDs on the list you still have everyone covered, unless they are trying to live an off-the-grid life.

I think I had someone use a student ID once, along with social security card, when I ran the hotel at the time I attended college.

And, even though it would be illegal to falsify documents, when it comes to low-level jobs, do you really imagine someone is going to be auditing all of this? That's assuming that many of these jobs aren't under-the-table in the first place. I don't imagine that every single dishwasher is claiming taxes, and of those who are, I would bet there is at least one who filled out (or had someone fill out) the paperwork with false information--aside from the SSN.

This is easy to forget doing as we present ID so often in our lives. If you check around you will see they do it.

Okay, I called MedExpress pretending that I wanted to be seen, but lost my ID. I asked if I could be seen without an ID and they said, "Yes, but you will not be able to be prescribed narcotics. We could still prescribe you anything else, if needed."

I also checked with a pharmacy and said, "Hey, my doctor is going to be faxing in a prescription later today, but it seems I misplaced my ID. I've never used your pharmacy before, will I still be able to get my prescription?"

The answer was an extremely confused-sounding, "Yes." Kind of like, "Why wouldn't you be able to get it?"

There have definitely been doctors' appointments in which I have not been carded. I'm 100% positive on that. There have probably been a few where, as you say, it just didn't really register because it's such a natural thing to do...especially for someone who smokes.

Ask the medical providers as they use HIPA as the reason. From what I know I would say it is because they have to know their patient. Same as in banking you have to "know your customer." Think on it this way, say I steal your identity and go to the doctor. Now my medical info is on your file.

They have way back info on these files. When getting a recent physical my doctor asked about a procedure from about 1971! Say I "get lucky" with a Lori Grenier looking gal at the local bar and she shall we say "gives me something to remember me by." I get treatment under your name, then that is on your record. Good luck getting it off. By asking for ID at the doctor this eliminates that possibility.

Well, you can call MedExpress for yourself and phrase the exact same question the exact same way. The only thing they told me is that I would not be able to get any narcotics were I to need them.

Also, if someone is going to steal your identity, (as in, down to even having your correct personal info) I can't imagine that pretending to be you for a doctor's appointment is going to be very high on the list of nefarious acts they would want to commit.

It also seems like it would be pretty easily resolved, even in the extremely unlikely event this did happen. The only exception would be if they were very close to being your correct height and weight.
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman