2024 Presidential election

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May 3rd, 2021 at 11:13:08 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: Gandler

I know some old people that don't even know what a computer is, how are they doing to register online, scan their ID, make copies, etc.... The answer is, they simply won't. Many seniors don't even have a computer or smart phone let along scanner etc...

Unless they are minorities they will be able to figure it out. If they were minorities they would not be able to per Democrat leaders.

Seniors not having a computer or smart phone? Maybe way back, but the internet has been a thing since the mid 1990s. So even a 75 year old would have had to never touched a computer in 25 years. Most seniors I know either use the internet just fine or else did not use it even when they were 50. Most will be just fine. Unless they are a minority of course.......
The President is a fink.
May 4th, 2021 at 5:29:45 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: AZDuffman
Trump showed Jeb for what he is, a low-energy guy who thought he should have the nomination handed to him. Romney is done at a national level. His only chance is Democrats in open-primary states crossing over to vote for the traitor of the GOP.

Trump has a good chance as he is the only guy around who gives off the needed energy to win. And the only one who actually stands up to the Democrat attack machine. Still too early to see what newcomer might emerge. But there should be someone who watched Trump and learned the lessons of how to win.

They should have a good chance considering we might have a depression, hyperinflation, or both by 2024. Then he can continue the GOP tradition of cleaning up the mess Democrats leave behind.

Even with Republicans in a full court press across the nation changing election laws, if Trump runs I fully expect him to say before the election that if he loses again the election was rigged.
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?
May 4th, 2021 at 6:18:04 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
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Quote: AZDuffman
Unless they are minorities they will be able to figure it out. If they were minorities they would not be able to per Democrat leaders.

Seniors not having a computer or smart phone? Maybe way back, but the internet has been a thing since the mid 1990s. So even a 75 year old would have had to never touched a computer in 25 years. Most seniors I know either use the internet just fine or else did not use it even when they were 50. Most will be just fine. Unless they are a minority of course.......

I don't agree. I have gone through many nursing homes where you could probably not explain a computer to somebody if you tried, and even if you could they would be totally not interested. Many people in elder homes rely on mail in ballots and simple do not or can not use a computer. And, I am not talking about people with dementia or old age illnesses, I just mean regulars elders in nursing homes that are healthy by all other measures.

The internet has not been a thing for a long time. Even through the 90s into the early 2000s it was pretty rare. The internet did not become a necessary utility until probably the late 2000s. (Again, yes I am aware that it technically existed for many decades, but I am talking about everyday work, school, and home use).

I think my parents got a computer in the mid to late 90s, but internet was not a given, you used to have to plug it into a phone line and connect. It was nothing like today. Even our first "high speed" internet was DSL (phone line connection, but you could still use landlines).

A lot of people like to make fun of my age. But, I can say this, even in the 90s and early 2000s I was still handwriting (or typing on a typewriter) most papers (and using books from the library for reference). I can't remember exactly when computers and printing became the standard, but it was not as long ago as many people realize. I know "computers" have been around for decades, but I am talking about in the sense that the average American family has at least one and reliable internet, which was not even over 50% until after 2000, and only 75% at 2010. So yeah, for people who are even 10-20 years older than me, almost certainly did not have computers in school and college, at least not in any sense that they would regularly use them like we do today (maybe outside very specialty programs).... So for people who are 50-60 years older than me, it is not unreasonable to understand that they may not know computers at all, especially if they retired before they had to learn for work (or have a job that does not involve office or computer use.....)

May 5th, 2021 at 2:40:31 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 135
Posts: 18255
Quote: Gandler
I don't agree. I have gone through many nursing homes where you could probably not explain a computer to somebody if you tried, and even if you could they would be totally not interested. Many people in elder homes rely on mail in ballots and simple do not or can not use a computer. And, I am not talking about people with dementia or old age illnesses, I just mean regulars elders in nursing homes that are healthy by all other measures.

The internet has not been a thing for a long time. Even through the 90s into the early 2000s it was pretty rare. The internet did not become a necessary utility until probably the late 2000s. (Again, yes I am aware that it technically existed for many decades, but I
am talking about everyday work, school, and home use).

I would not use a nursing home as any kind of example or barometer. I think I said it earlier, saying you cannot use a computer today is like saying you could not use a phone in 1920. Even if you do not own one you know how and know how to go to the library or some other place with public access. Again as I said, minorities maybe not since they per Democrats do not know how to find the DMV. Maybe some overlap what with minorities can be senior citizens.

Other factor is GOP voters tend to be more motivated to figure things out. To figure out how to vote. To figure out anything without waiting for the government to do it for them.
The President is a fink.
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