Republican Nominee 2024

January 6th, 2021 at 6:53:46 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 6, 2014
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Quote: Mission146
You think I've never met any of them? I just unleash my full vocabulary in communicating what are otherwise simple ideas. Highly precise words, and all of that. They typically seem to have no idea what the hell I'm saying. It's really amusing to me.

I dont find your ignorant insults amusing
I'm pretty disgusted by your view
Your lack of insight into any area regarding diversity is appalling.
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own - Grateful Dead "Eyes of the World"
January 7th, 2021 at 2:02:38 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Posts: 4147
Quote: terapined
I dont find your ignorant insults amusing
I'm pretty disgusted by your view
Your lack of insight into any area regarding diversity is appalling.

Let’s have a little talk.

When you look at the numbers, Trump’s strongest segment of people, by a mile,p are white, male, religious (Evangelical) conservatives. It’s true everywhere, but these people are more so found in Southern states.

What about Trump appeals to these people?

Start with the fact that Trump makes sweeping generalizations about entire swaths of people based on—if I’m extremely charitable—a relative handful of actual cases. Secondly, Trump has used his power and influence to successfully commit adultery we can only guess how many times. Of course, that appeals to these sorts of fellows who see the Bible, really, as nothing more than a weapon that is to be used against other people whilst not holding themselves to the same standards. Third, Trump is unquestionably divisive, not only against the aforementioned swaths of people, but also against any who should have the audacity to challenge him in any way.

To this group of people, these are all seen as, “Alpha,” characteristics.

More than that, the church, throughout centuries, has been used as a vessel to dictate to others how to run their lives...even if those others don’t follow the teachings to begin with or even believe in God. Once upon a time, the primary mechanisms by which this was accomplished were indoctrination and peer pressure. That failing, they’d go to political influence...which they seem to have lost fairly rapidly.

Returning to Trump’s unsubstantiated assaults on untold numbers of people, it would be one thing if this was just some sort of media/entertainment figure, but these Christians (most of them are, anyway) saw fit to make him the President of the United States of America. In defiance of all logic, at that, because there’s really not much about Donald Trump or his conduct that could be more antithetical to the teachings of the Bible. Of course, we know logic isn’t exactly an intellectual strength of these people.

With that, Trump gets into office and doubles and triples down on all of these things.

You’re disappointed in me? I’m just some random @$$#0!3 of almost zero consequence posting on a message board that very few people visit. He’s the President of the United States of America.

The only thing I’m doing is making sweeping and, let’s be frank, mostly ridiculous generalizations, as Trump does, in roughly the same fashion that Trump does (though more well-spoken, in my case) and directing them at the very people who gave Trump the power in the first place.

I can’t emphasize this enough: the key difference is that he’s the POTUS and I’m some random jack off who doesn’t even matter at all.

But, hate is the kind of language these people respect. They also respect, apparently, broad statements and absurd generalizations.

I’m not talking to you; I’m talking to them. Not only am I talking to them, I’m speaking to them in their preferred language.

The funny thing is, when I say these things out and about in the world—making sure they can hear me—not a peep from them. I guess they’re not quite as, “Alpha,” as they like to believe they are, but in fairness, I’m a pretty big guy.
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman
January 7th, 2021 at 7:47:54 AM permalink
Member since: Aug 6, 2014
Threads: 73
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Quote: Mission146
Let’s have a little talk.

When you look at the numbers, Trump’s strongest segment of people, by a mile,p are white, male, religious (Evangelical) conservatives. It’s true everywhere, but these people are more so found in Southern states.

Lets have a talk
GA went blue
Because a million whites voted Dem
The black vote in GA dont mean jack unless Dems can attract a million white voters that you for some disgusting reason hate
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own - Grateful Dead "Eyes of the World"
January 7th, 2021 at 7:53:17 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: terapined
Lets have a talk
GA went blue
Because a million whites voted Dem
The black vote in GA dont mean jack unless Dems can attract a million white voters that you for some disgusting reason hate

I don't hate white voters. Where do you get that from?

Anyway, you're not going to get rural, white, male, Evangelical racists. You'll get reasonable white people. There are reasonable white people down there and some of them are even Christians.

If you'll read my post again, you'll see I'm just trying to make a point. I did the same thing on WoV before politics talk was banned. Everyone was saying, "The Left This, the Left That," so I took a few hours and spent it linking to sexual abuse stories and cases that EXCLUSIVELY took place in churches.

What's the point? The point is that if Trump and his followers can grossly overgeneralize, then so can I. Funny thing about that, they don't find it as amusing when they are the targets.

Hell, it ticked you off, and you're not even the target.
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman
January 7th, 2021 at 8:36:40 AM permalink
Member since: Aug 6, 2014
Threads: 73
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Quote: Mission146

The point is that if Trump and his followers can grossly overgeneralize, then so can I. Funny thing about that, they don't find it as amusing when they are the targets.

Hell, it ticked you off, and you're not even the target.

Grossly overgeneralize is overall pretty gross
Its intellectually lazy
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own - Grateful Dead "Eyes of the World"
January 7th, 2021 at 9:17:51 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: terapined
Grossly overgeneralize is overall pretty gross
Its intellectually lazy

I know that. That's the precise point I'm making. I like to make the point that way, from time to time, because I do find my own insults at least somewhat amusing.
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman
January 7th, 2021 at 3:59:03 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 15, 2019
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Quote: Mission146
Well, people tend not to discriminate against their own race, for one thing. I doubt any of those people are discriminating against white people. I should like to think Asians and blacks aren't flying Confederate flags.

Maybe. I haven't seen any numbers on that. I don't even really care about the political beliefs as long as they can articulate a reasonable position supporting them that exists somewhere outside of, "The Bible says..." which it often actually doesn't and they usually couldn't anyway.

I'm Agnostic, but in any event, I'll leave it for a non-white person who is inclined as I am to go after those churches. I'll happily reserve my vitriol exclusively for White Christians.

That's true, but it's not for me to call any of those churches out. I don't know anything about them. I'm well acquainted with White Baptists, and the like, rest assured.

It is mostly white people who fly the confederate flag (I have seen some others, but that is a fair generalization, I would say in the North it is almost 100% white people, in the south there are actually other races that buy into the whole "southern pride" thing so its actually not unheard of to see non-whites have it......).

Personally I am all for free speech. Probably nobody finds the confederate flag more offensive than most probably do -certainly most whites- (I am a nationalist, and believe in unity), but I would never advocate banning a flag because of how I feel. I do think that it should be banned from government buildings because governments should recognize official flags only (I am also glad that military bases finally banned it......)

Anyway for the issue of religion. I don't want to get too off topic, but there is no logical reason to hate gay people other than religion (I guess you can say that you are grossed out, which is fine, but being grossed out does not give you a right to ban a consensual activity for adults....) Anyway, we have got into this in other threads, I think religion is the only reason be hate gay people (by hate I mean activity trying to ban, not just being grossed out or whatever....)

Quote: Mission146
I agree with all of that. Honestly, it just gave me a cheap opportunity to dump on the former Confederate States and their precious Christianity some more. I have no meaningful position to actually defend on this one.

Well, its an important distinction, because people who voluntarily join a religion tend to be much more devout. That is why "born again" crowds are usually the most obnoxious.

Quote: Mission146
Shame that they don't. I watched the Georgia runoff debates. I imagine that, per capita, fewer Georgians likely pay attention than most other states. Probably some reruns of Duck Dynasty they'd rather be watching instead.

That is a cheap point with zero context to back it up.... Even if its true, the differences are probably marginal.... I would actually lean towards speculating that the runoff debate had a higher viewership than most senate debates (which, lets be real almost nobody watches), because the "eyes of the country" were on in, and locally there was nonstop coverage about the importance.... So its probably a safe bet that the debate that you refer to had high ratings compared to most senate debates (again just personal speculating, I am sure somebody can look up the numbers)....

Quote: Mission146
I don't mind running it off until a majority is reached, although, ranked-choice voting essentially accomplishes the same end and only requires one election.

I have mixed feelings. I have heard strong arguments from both sides. Much of Europe has a runoff type system (or something similiar), so it appears to work for them (and I guess for GA).

Quote: Mission146
It's a realistic criticism. These are the same people who say that people who cannot speak English should get out of the country. Their insults would carry more weight if they chose to speak the language properly themselves.

Its really not. Accent is not speaking properly. You can speak perfect English with a southern accent. You can also speak terrible English. Just like you can speak perfect English with a Boston accent or terrible..... etc.... Your overall speech is what matters, not your accent. I guess you can make the vague argument that certain accents tend to lend themselves to poor slang or improper usage or words (but that is a stretch).

Quote: Mission146
t's on the ocean and has a low cost of living. I've never been there. It's also all but out of reach of hurricanes.

When are you planning on moving there?

Quote: Mission146
I sure have. Should the divide ever happen, I strongly encourage them to pack up and head down to the South. They can take their Confederate flags with them.

Totally the wrong attitude, but lets not go back down that road lol....

Quote: Mission146
I tend to like most Mormons. I think you might be just focusing on the fringe Mormons who live in their little communes isolated from everyone else, or whatever you would want to call them. The majority of Mormons aren't like that at all. They're also very open to actual meaningful debates about their religion.

Maybe not.

Well Mormons were just one example of a "newer" age religion. Scientology for example I don't think any sane person (even most religious people) think is good for anyone (basically they brainwash people and use them as cash cows....) But, my point was new religions will always come out of whatever society humanity is currently living in.

As for Mormons, on the surface you are right. But, there are some underlying things that I find odd (actually way beyond odd...). Many are too cheery to the point of almost being creepy (or feeling forced), this is a minor point. And, yes they are more open to debate and mockery than other religions (polar opposite of Islam in that regard, could you imagine what would happen if there was a play called "the book of Islam", well you probably can, no more theater...) However, their church is far more sinister behind closed doors. And, this goes back to the gay issue among other social issues.

The Mormon church until recently was a massive sponsor of BSA, they are the ones that forced BSA to require scouts to have religion and the ban gays. (They pulled their funding after the gay ban was lifted, one of several reasons they are in bankruptcy recently). But, they do this back channel type stuff to push social agendas on other groups they fund too. They have more money and power than most people realize for such a small church. And, that is not even getting into the crazy communes in Mexico who live in massive armed compounds with their private militias and other fringe Mormon group. That are not as "safe" as you seem to think. In fact they may be one of the more dangerous religious groups because of their influence and centralized power (perhaps only rivaled by Catholics.... but to their credit at least they are evolving on some of these issues.... and most Catholics do not take their religion seriously anyway, most Mormons do....) Don't get me wrong I know (in fact am related to) very nice cheery Mormons, that does not mean behind the scenes their organization is beyond shady.....

Do more research on the Mormon church. You will be more alarmed than you think. In America they are quite possible the biggest religious threat to social progress (obviously globally Islam easily takes the cake....). And, they have their share of fringe compounds ("communes" is a nice way to put it. Many of these are massive swaths of land with military defenses and their own miltias.... ) abroad that are equally alarming.... Also, leaving it, its not as bad as Islam (like getting killed by family members), but they make it very hard for apostates.... Leaving the religion often means getting shunned by even direct family.... Whenever religions make it hard to leave, it should make you skeptical.

I was raised Presbyterian, told my parents while still a teenager I have no desire to be religious, I still have my head, and I still have a great relation with my parents and other family who go to that church.... And, I can still go to my old church for weddings without anyone looking down on me or even questioning/lecturing me. Any religion where this is not the case should be a cause for alarm.
January 7th, 2021 at 9:43:14 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: Mission146
I learned that Raphael Warnock is the first black Senator from a former Confederate state.

You mean the first black Senator from a former Confederate state since Reconstruction !

There have been so few from Union States.

  • Hiram Rhodes Revels (1827–1901) Mississippi February 25, 1870 March 3, 1871 Republican
  • Blanche Bruce (1841–1898) Mississippi March 4, 1875 March 3, 1881 Republican

  1. Edward Brooke (1919–2015) Massachusetts January 3, 1967 January 3, 1979 Republican
  2. Carol Moseley Braun (born 1947) Illinois January 3, 1993 January 3, 1999 Democratic
  3. Barack Obama (born 1961) Illinois January 3, 2005-November 16, 2008 Democratic
  4. Roland Burris (born 1937) Illinois January 15, 2009-November 29, 2010 Democratic
  5. Tim Scott (born 1965) South Carolina January 2, 2013 Incumbent Republican
  6. Mo Cowan (born 1969) Massachusetts February 1, 2013 July 16, 2013 Democratic
  7. Cory Booker (born 1969) New Jersey October 31, 2013 Incumbent Democratic
  8. Kamala Harris (born 1964) California January 3, 2017 Incumbent Democratic
  9. Raphael Warnock (born 1969) Georgia At the latest January 23, 2021 Democratic
January 8th, 2021 at 5:42:53 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 23
Posts: 4147
Quote: Gandler
It is mostly white people who fly the confederate flag (I have seen some others, but that is a fair generalization, I would say in the North it is almost 100% white people, in the south there are actually other races that buy into the whole "southern pride" thing so its actually not unheard of to see non-whites have it......).

Why does flying a flag linked with racism and secession ameliorate Southern pride? I don't see why they couldn't be proud of the South without doing that. You guys allegedly have, "Southern Hospitality," and, "Neighbors helping neighbors," as go those if nobody ever helps anyone else elsewhere. I'd say be proud of those things, instead.

Consider this---the symbol for, "Southern Pride," actively causes other people to think less of the South. How can effectuating people to think less of you possibly increase the level of pride? It's counterintuitive.

Personally I am all for free speech. Probably nobody finds the confederate flag more offensive than most probably do -certainly most whites- (I am a nationalist, and believe in unity), but I would never advocate banning a flag because of how I feel. I do think that it should be banned from government buildings because governments should recognize official flags only (I am also glad that military bases finally banned it......)

I agree with all of that. I would not advocate for the total banning of that flag. If the people of possible racism and questionable national pride want to wear that on their sleeves, or lawns, all the better for the rest of us that they should make themselves so easily identifiable.

Anyway for the issue of religion. I don't want to get too off topic, but there is no logical reason to hate gay people other than religion (I guess you can say that you are grossed out, which is fine, but being grossed out does not give you a right to ban a consensual activity for adults....) Anyway, we have got into this in other threads, I think religion is the only reason be hate gay people (by hate I mean activity trying to ban, not just being grossed out or whatever....)

Religion is not a logical reason for that because religion is not logical. If religion is itself illogical, then nothing that comes about as an exclusive result of religion can be logical. Even then, not everyone subscribes to the religion, so those of the faith should make no attempt to hold others to their purported morals by any formal or legal mechanism.

Well, its an important distinction, because people who voluntarily join a religion tend to be much more devout. That is why "born again" crowds are usually the most obnoxious.

Maybe. You seem to know more about this than I do. I haven't seen any studies in this regard and have limited Empirical observations because I've never conducted any sort of poll of people who were converted into the church v. those who were always there.

That is a cheap point with zero context to back it up.... Even if its true, the differences are probably marginal.... I would actually lean towards speculating that the runoff debate had a higher viewership than most senate debates (which, lets be real almost nobody watches), because the "eyes of the country" were on in, and locally there was nonstop coverage about the importance.... So its probably a safe bet that the debate that you refer to had high ratings compared to most senate debates (again just personal speculating, I am sure somebody can look up the numbers)....

That's on me. I shouldn't be mixing substantive conversation with an excuse to make a cheap joke. Maybe they did watch the debate. I just don't see how you couldn't vote for Warnock...he's a preacher and I can't think of very many other Senators I'd rather have representing my interests than Warnock. That's saying something, because him being a preacher causes me to immediately start out with a slightly unfavorable opinion.

I have mixed feelings. I have heard strong arguments from both sides. Much of Europe has a runoff type system (or something similiar), so it appears to work for them (and I guess for GA).

I honestly don't see what the problem with it is. I actually kind of like your runoff system because (since it goes to the two highest vote-getters---as I understand it) that gives third-party candidates a theoretical chance. All they would have to do is be in the Top Two with the #1 not having a simple majority, then they at least get into the 1 on 1 competition that they are so often denied.

Its really not. Accent is not speaking properly. You can speak perfect English with a southern accent. You can also speak terrible English. Just like you can speak perfect English with a Boston accent or terrible..... etc.... Your overall speech is what matters, not your accent. I guess you can make the vague argument that certain accents tend to lend themselves to poor slang or improper usage or words (but that is a stretch).

Tha's the argament I would make, y'all.

When are you planning on moving there?

Ten-ish years, assuming I still want to by then. It's a little much to even really say, "Planning," on it. The probability of me changing my mind and choosing somewhere else is over 50%.

(Remaining Quote Deliberately Omitted)

Re: Mormon Church. As you said, I'd have to do more research. I lack sufficient knowledge to offer a comment on anything you said.
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen..let us give them all they want." William T. Sherman
January 9th, 2021 at 12:35:17 PM permalink
Member since: Apr 21, 2016
Threads: 29
Posts: 12549
I’m going to go out on a limb and say Donny will NOT be the Republican nominee in 2024.
“A straight man will not go for kids.” - AZDuffman