Not exactly advice

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October 9th, 2015 at 4:45:14 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Posts: 12545
Maybe opinions?

Anyway, I went to the ophthalmologist today because I felt like something was inside my left eye. I'd been meaning to go because I've been having a bit of trouble making out some street signs while driving. I've been diagnosed with myopia and astigmatism in the left eye, and astigmatism in the right one. By my count this is the fourth time.

Every time I get glasses made. every time I think I should get a spare set made. Every time I forget or put off getting a second set. Every time I eventually misplace my glasses (in 1990 I left them in a rental car in Orlando). Every time I try to find the prescription and fail to do so. And every time I tell myself to see the ophthalmologist again, and don't.

The defect in my eyesight is just too slight. 90% of the time, I hardly notice it. But within the last year or so, I find myself walking too close to signs, or up to people, to see clearly. When I drive, particularly at night, I find myself almost on top of the sign before I can read it. And some minor annoyances like trouble reading the onscreen guide from the cable box, mistaking a cow-orker for another (that's the right spelling, let it go).

I'm taking some precautions this time:

1) cheap frames.
2) get two sets made
3) scan the prescription and keep it in "the cloud" (that one is done)

Oh, the eye was just dry. Why? Because it is <shrug>. I paid $90 to be told to get "artificial tears" to lubricate it 6 to 8 times a day.
Donald Trump is a one-term LOSER
October 10th, 2015 at 7:17:06 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Posts: 5258
This is where my wife buys her glasses.
At my age a Life In Prison sentence is not much of a detrrent.
October 10th, 2015 at 9:30:38 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 27, 2012
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Posts: 7831
dietary protection of the retina: avoid smoke, vitamin C, Vitamin E, resveratrol, floral petals, hydrogenated water, tumeric tea, Bilberries.
October 12th, 2015 at 8:16:20 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 346
Posts: 12545
Quote: DRich
This is where my wife buys her glasses.


Unfortunately they don't deliver to Mexico...

I'm taking my time with this, as it's not urgent.

The eye drops the doctor prescribed are a bit overpriced. Fortunately my mom uses them and I've been bringing her several boxes of vials every year when I go to Vegas. She let me have several. I think each vial should last 3-4 days depending on use.

The doctor also prescribed ophthalmic towelettes to clean the eyelid and eyelashes. They are $15 per box and if you follow the directions you'll use up two boxes per month. That's not exorbitant, but I already wash my face with soap every day, so what's the point? I'll try them for a month and see if they make any difference.
Donald Trump is a one-term LOSER
October 22nd, 2015 at 1:10:47 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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I got my glasses today (and haven't lost them yet). They seem to have been shaped to the right prescription. I tried them a bit at the office and the difference in a few everyday objects is rather dramatic (and I haven't lost them yet). I look forward to trying them on the drive home this evening (if I manage not to lose them before then).
Donald Trump is a one-term LOSER
October 25th, 2015 at 8:53:57 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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I still haven't lost my glasses, but I'm getting there.

Today as I was leaving the house I reminded myself to put the glasses in my bag. When I reached the car, they weren't there. I left them on the nightstand, snug inside their hard case.

It's only a matter of time.

I really should get a second pair made soon.
Donald Trump is a one-term LOSER
October 29th, 2015 at 5:34:25 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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And so the glasses have made it a week without being lost.

It's a start.
Donald Trump is a one-term LOSER
October 29th, 2015 at 5:42:20 PM permalink
Member since: Aug 3, 2014
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Quote: Nareed
And so the glasses have made it a week without being lost.

It's a start.
I use those lances or ropes, not sure what they are called. You know the lariat/lanyards goes round the neck and down to the arms of the glasses?

I asked my eye doctor, repeatedly why he doesn't sell those. He repeated several times, seriously, that he was concerned it would cost him a lot of money.

They are great, the glasses are always there, never gone. One thing they do do, is catch food, but that makes me clean them more often. Well worth a try.
The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury. GW
October 30th, 2015 at 9:10:37 AM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 346
Posts: 12545
Quote: petroglyph
I use those lances or ropes, not sure what they are called.

That's how I lost my last pair :)

The thing is I don't really need them 90% of the time. Pretty much I use them while driving, when watching TV from the bed, and about half the time when I'm out shopping. I don't need them at work, when using the PC or tablet a t home, or even when watching TV from the desk in my room. When i tried keeping them on me the whole time, they tended to get in the way. So I wound up putting them away, but half the time I didn't have their case with me. I don't recall exactly how they were lost the last time, but it was one of those times.

I'm making it a habit to take them off when I park, stow them in their case and put the case in my bag. I never lose my bag.
Donald Trump is a one-term LOSER
October 30th, 2015 at 11:33:05 AM permalink
Member since: Aug 3, 2014
Threads: 25
Posts: 6227
Quote: Nareed
That's how I lost my last pair :)

The thing is I don't really need them 90% of the time. Pretty much I use them while driving, when watching TV from the bed, and about half the time when I'm out shopping. I don't need them at work, when using the PC or tablet a t home, or even when watching TV from the desk in my room. When i tried keeping them on me the whole time, they tended to get in the way. So I wound up putting them away, but half the time I didn't have their case with me. I don't recall exactly how they were lost the last time, but it was one of those times.

I'm making it a habit to take them off when I park, stow them in their case and put the case in my bag. I never lose my bag.
Welcome to my world. I just use readers and buy them two or three at a time, place them almost anywhere I might need them, and sometimes still wonder where they are. I leave two in my vehicle, , two in my backpack, and 4 or so laying around the house. One tinted pair for outside. I take at least two with me at casinos just in case I have to sign "the big check".

What is worse for me is, I have 20/20 vision which was a bit of a shock. I have cataracts, but with enough glasses laying around it is tolerable and driving at night isn't difficult .
The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury. GW
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