The wisdom of crowds.

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December 2nd, 2016 at 1:08:17 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Quote: kenarman
Lets extend this to it's logical extension. We favor democracy because it is the best. All votes should count equal. We all live in the same world so logically everyone in the world should have a vote. Therefore Asia should decide what happens in the world and smaller population countries like the USA should not have any more power or veto.

If we had better decisions and outcomes why would I be against it? Hundreds of millions more voices.
You believe in an invisible god, and dismiss people who say they are trans? Really?
December 2nd, 2016 at 1:30:48 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 346
Posts: 12545
Quote: rxwine
So it was 4 elections now, not decided by popular vote.

There's more. It's also quite likely to win by a plurality rather than a majority. Like Bill Clinton did in 92. This happens when there's more than two candidates, though, which is unusual.

It's largely been forgotten, but the GOP "base" was very angry that a Democrat they didn't particularly like had won the presidency without winning the popular vote. He got 43%. Much of the animus of the mainstream GOP against him, IMO, came from viewing his victory as illegitimate.

To be fair, popular vote elections can also have candidates win by plurality. This is because run-off elections are especially unpopular, not to mention expensive. Mechanisms to obviate them, like ranking candidates, awarding multiple (but fixed) votes per voter, and some even stranger things, are needlessly complicated and also unpopular.
Donald Trump is a one-term LOSER
December 2nd, 2016 at 2:15:48 PM permalink
Member since: Nov 9, 2016
Threads: 17
Posts: 731
Quote: RonC
...and that is what way too many Liberals do. They take a conversation and toss racism into it to when there is none.

What they fail to see is that crying "racism" where there is none just leads to real incidents of "racism" being ignored. No one knows where the hell the fire is because all they do is create a lot of smoke.

Okay, that the Republican efforts to disenfranchise voters have been aimed exclusively at minority and Black districts is merely coincidence and not at all indicative of racism.

The Trump rhetoric about Mexicans and Muslims the howling hate crowds at his rallies--not racist, either.

The nonsense about 2 million illegal votes (not coincidentally, the number of votes Trump lost by)--that isn't racism, either. Even though Trump has been saying that illegal immigrants are the source of all that "fraud."

Sorry, Ron, Republicans are racist scum, and though not all their initiatives are aimed in that direction, depriving the lesser breeds of power is a central Republican ideological tenet and practical aim. I hasten to add that it's working very well for them.
December 2nd, 2016 at 2:19:37 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
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Posts: 1929
Quote: stinkingliberal
Sorry, Ron, Republicans are racist scum, and though not all their initiatives are aimed in that direction, depriving the lesser breeds of power is a central Republican ideological tenet and practical aim. I hasten to add that it's working very well for them.

The irony is, Mr. Stinking Liberal here has stated he thinks all Republicans are scum and sub human.

Funny... and he still doesn't get how his attitude, erm, well stinks so bad he's about as likely to make anyone think a new thought as he himself is to consider things as well.
It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die.... it's called Life
December 2nd, 2016 at 2:25:59 PM permalink
Member since: Nov 9, 2016
Threads: 17
Posts: 731
Quote: kenarman
Lets extend this to it's logical extension. We favor democracy because it is the best. All votes should count equal. We all live in the same world so logically everyone in the world should have a vote. Therefore Asia should decide what happens in the world and smaller population countries like the USA should not have any more power or veto.

"Its" in the context you used it does not have an apostrophe. Just thought you should know.

Asia would not "decide what happens in the world" under your scenario. It would have a voice proportionate to its population. And any hypothetical world body would only decide issues that affect the entire world. Individual countries could and would handle their own affairs, much in the same way individual US states do.

And you know what? just taking one issue, global warming--we should NOT have the power to screw up the planet's environment when everyone else is against it. I would be perfectly happy with, after Trump destroys the EPA and all clean power initiatives, some world body FORCING us to comply with the Geneva accords. (And I don't care whether we signed them or not; they represent the consensus of the planet.)

And you know what, in general? A lot of the world doesn't think that 5% of the planet's inhabitants should have such a disproportionate effect on the lives and fates of the other 95%. What Trumpers don't, on some fundamental level, understand: all people are equally important. Even if they're not white. You know, values of the founding fathers and all that. "We hold these truths to be self-evident..." If only Republicans actually believed all that!
December 2nd, 2016 at 2:34:10 PM permalink
Member since: Nov 9, 2016
Threads: 17
Posts: 731
Quote: TheCesspit
The irony is, Mr. Stinking Liberal here has stated he thinks all Republicans are scum and sub human.

Funny... and he still doesn't get how his attitude, erm, well stinks so bad he's about as likely to make anyone think a new thought as he himself is to consider things as well.

But I didn't say that all of them are incapable of curing themselves or being cured. There's hope.

And I do, in fact, consider new thoughts all the time--even the ones that originate from Republican scum. A frequent poster on another board about five years ago was absolutely gabberflasted when I said I advocated free trade and opposed protectionism--that was back in the not so recent past when Republicans said they wanted such things. He had labeled me a "Liberal," (always capitalized, and in his mind, worse than "child rapist') and so ascribed to me a single orthodoxy, a single slate of positions. He was stupid and unimaginative, and couldn't understand how I could disagree with Democrats on this.

I doubt very much that any of you Trumpers CAN alter your thinking in any way. After Trump drives the country off a cliff, you'll all be saying it was really Obama's or the Democrats' fault. But I would certainly welcome ANY tiny breakaway from the Trump orthodoxy. It's like dealing with a toddler. You praise him when he poops in the toilet. You don't expect him to start making his bed or folding his clothes just yet.
December 2nd, 2016 at 2:37:25 PM permalink
Member since: Nov 9, 2016
Threads: 17
Posts: 731
Quote: Nareed
Much of the animus of the mainstream GOP against him, IMO, came from viewing his victory as illegitimate.

Naah. They didn't like that a darky won. Plain and simple. The same way they voted for Trump because they couldn't stand to see a bitch in the White House.

It's really as crude and simple as that. Republican motivations are at a caveman, gut level.
December 2nd, 2016 at 2:48:42 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 346
Posts: 12545
Quote: stinkingliberal
Naah. They didn't like that a darky won.

I don't recall Bill Clinton as being black.
Donald Trump is a one-term LOSER
December 2nd, 2016 at 3:06:51 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 24, 2012
Threads: 146
Posts: 25013
Quote: stinkingliberal

The nonsense about 2 million illegal votes .

It is nonsense, it's probably closer
to 5 million. It's insanely easy easy
for illegals to vote with insanely
easy to get fake ID. Been going on
for decades. Only a fool thinks it's
not happening in large numbers.
Hard to catch the perps, almost
impossible. Luckily they're clustered
in Leftie states, like Calif, NY, NJ, IL.
Those states will go Left no matter
what, so illegals are just wasting their
If you take a risk, you may lose. If you never take a risk, you will always lose.
December 2nd, 2016 at 3:10:31 PM permalink
Member since: Nov 9, 2016
Threads: 17
Posts: 731
Quote: Nareed
I don't recall Bill Clinton as being black.

Sorry. In that case, they were angry that a Democrat won.
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